e-Governance Initiatives and IFHRMS

Department of Finance through the Commissionerate of Treasuries and Accounts is making a holistic approach towards e-governance, focusing on process re-engineering, workload optimization and robust management of State Finances leveraging the latest proven technology. The Department has decided to embark upon its next phase of e-governance initiatives.

 Integrated Financial and Human Resources Management System (IFHRMS) is at the core of this transformation. The IFHRMS shall take care of the activities of Finance Department to a larger extent by bringing Commissionerate of Treasuries and Accounts and other departments online and ensuring real time updation of the financial transactions of the Government. The IFHRMS will also take care of the Human Resources component by reducing the workload and associated drudgery at various levels besides making it paper-less and providing a hassle-free environment for transactions within the Finance Department / Treasury Department / other Departments and thereby ensure robust management of the State finances.

M/s. Accenture Solutions Pvt. Ltd., has been appointed as the Consulting Agency through an agreement dated 18.07.2012 to make a thorough study of the existing system in Finance and Administration of the State Government and formulate proposals for the implementation of the IFHRMS. The Consulting Agency is to provide consultancy services, identify the System Integrator and perform various activities to put in place a total solution for e-governance. This Agency prepared Request For Proposal (RFP) for the appointment of System Integrator in a period of 5 months and there after the System was proposed to be rolled out in a period of 2 years.

An “e-governance team” has been established in the Commissionerate of Treasuries and Accounts, with the following staff members: One Additional Director, one Joint Director, one Chief Accounts Officer, one Accounts Officer and two Retired Officials.

The team will co-ordinate with the Consulting Agency by providing information required by the Agency to prepare the “As-Is” document viz. the rules and procedures being followed by the Finance and Treasuries Department, Business Process Re-engineering etc., including Human Resource management functions. The team will also render necessary assistance to the System Integrator in computerizing the functions of Finance Department in Secretariat and Treasuries and Accounts Department and also incorporating the elements of Human Resources Management.

The IFHRMS shall include the following modules:

  • Budget module
  • Receipts module
  • Personnel Management (HRMS) & Payroll module
  • Fund Management module
  • Pension module
  • Banking Interface module
  • Accounts module
  • Interface modules with AGTN
  • Strong Room Safety and Stamp Management Module
  • Inventory Management Module
  • Insurance Module
  • Virtual Treasury module
  • Financial Data Warehouse/BI module
  • E Office (DMS) including inspection and audit
  • Online Grievances Module (including RTI)
  • Web portal & others (Help Desk)

Subsequently open tender was floated and M/s. Wipro Ltd has been identified as the system integrator for the IFHRMS project and the Master Service Agreement was signed between SI and Department on 29.05.2015 for the Implementation of the Project and for providing Operations & Maintenance Support for a period of 5 years from Go-Live.

M/s. PriceWaterhouseCoopers Pvt. Ltd has been engaged as Third Party Audit Agency for Audit (TPAA) and Certification of IFHRMS project. An Agreement was signed between the Department and the TPAA on 10.11.2016. The Third Party Audit and Certification of IFHRMS project is in progress.

At present the System Integrator M/s Wipro Ltd has completed the following activities,

  1. Site Preparation
  2. Hardware Delivery and Commissioning at 295 Project Locations
  3. Network Connectivity- Redundant
  4. Application Development
  5. User Acceptance Testing Sign off by Department
  6. Service Register Digitization of 9 Lakh Government Employees
  7. Data Migration

Pilot testing is in progress at 3 locations (PAO East, Erode and Karur Districts).

IFHRMS State-wide rollout inauguration by Hon’ble Chief Minister is scheduled on 10.01.19.