The IFHRMS Application is interfaced with the existing systems of Stakeholders so as to have seem- less flow of information from one stakeholder to another, IFHRMS is interfaced with the following systems:
- AGTN(Accountant General (A&E), Tamil Nadu) systems for capturing the Out of Treasury transactions and also for online submission of accounts by Treasuries / PAOs.
- RBI Systems for updating information on daily cash position, capturing Ways and Means information, Debt and Investment Management information,etc.
- Portals of other Departments for capturing the service & receipt details against which the payment has to be received.
- Agency Banks for updation of receipts details.
- PFMS for Capturing the fund released by Central Government department for various Schemes in the State.
- Jeevan Pramaan for Capturing the Digital Life Certificates generated for the Pensioners.
- Counting of selected members